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Professor Emeritus of Clinical Neurosciences and MedicineCumming School of Medicine, Department of Clinical Neurosciences
Professor EmeritusFaculty of Arts, Department of PsychologyOscillation and synchrony in the limbic cortex, function of the posterior hypothalamus
Professor EmeritusCumming School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and PharmacologyElectrophysiology of the auditory system, Hearing and its disorders
Professor EmeritusCumming School of Medicine, Department of Clinical NeurosciencesAdaptive sensorimotor system for walking, Vestibular function, Oculomotor function, Movement disorders
Professor EmeritusCumming School of Medicine, Department of Clinical NeurosciencesMovement control and rehabilitation
Professor EmeritusCumming School of Medicine, Department of PediatricsBehaviour, Mental Health, Maternal Health, Nutrition
Professor EmeritusCumming School of Medicine, Department of Physiology and PharmacologyNeuropharmacology, Environmental toxicology, Medical pharmacology, and Anesthetic agents.
Professor EmeritusCumming School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular BiologySignaling, Regulation of muscle contraction