HBI Used Equipment Policy and Procedures

Purpose: In line with the Cumming School of Medicine (CSM) policy on Used Equipment 2024, the Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI) is developing its procedures on how to handle used equipment no longer needed by CSM Member labs. This policy applies to all used equipment regardless of the equipment’s purchase method of funding source (e.g., NSERC, CFI, CERC, faculty, or Institute start-up funds).

Adjudication Committee: The HBI will have a small committee composed of, at minimum but not limited to, the Infrastructure Director, Research Director, and Director of Operations and they will decide on a case-by-case basis the transfer or disposal of used equipment. 

Process: Once there has been indication of a need to deal with some used equipment in a member’s lab:

  1. The institute will evaluate the equipment for its potential use within the HBI and/or by other institutes/core facilities at the CSM. This evaluation will be done largely by the above-mentioned committee in tandem with Asset management. If the equipment is deemed no longer useful, the Institute will be responsible for disposal of said equipment.
  2. Once approved, the used equipment will be widely advertised to HBI full members for at least a 2-week period. When more than one HBI member requests available used equipment the following priorities should be considered:
    1. New HBI recruits
    2. Junior HBI faculty
    3. The HBI faculty member’s need
  3. Once reviewed, equipment is redistributed accordingly, with necessary updates made to Asset Management regarding changes in location or user. Should equipment be transferred to another institution, its value must be assessed, and an agreement for compensation made with the receiving institution. Please note that this value may not match the Asset management reported value. 

Contact Information: Please reach out to either Dr Cam Teskey or Dr Frank Visser regarding your used equipment.