Dr. Shawn Currie
Adjunct Associate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor
Cumming School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry
Associate Member
Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Contact information
Educational Background
B.S. Psychology, Dalhousie University, 1986
Doctor of Philosophy Psychology, University of Ottawa, 1998
M.A. Psychology, Carleton University, 1993
Areas of Research
My research interests over the past 5 years have included concurrent disorders (mechanisms and treatment), nicotine dependence, problem gambling, epidemiology of mental disorders, and prevention of addicitive disorders in youth. As Director of Mental Health Information, Evaluation & Research in Alberta Health Services (Calgary Zone), my interests of late have shifted towards mental health services research including system-level preformance measurement and studies of the treated prevalence of mental disorders. I continue to supervise research projects of graduate students, undergraduate students, and psychiatry residents. I occasionally teach undergraduate courses (clinical psychology, health psychology, and statistics) at the University of Calgary.
Participation in university strategic initiatives
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