CaPRI / Movement Disorders Collaborative Research Support Fund
Competition closed for 2024/2025.
The purpose of the CaPRI/Movement Disorders BMH team collaborative research support fund is to support outstanding ideas that will promote novel collaborations within the Movement Disorders BMH team and seed impactful initiatives in the field of Parkinson’s disease and related disorders. Pilot data is not required but the research themes must be aligned with one or more of the 3 main thematic areas recognized as the CaPRI global research priorities:
1. Novel strategies for deep phenotyping and subtyping in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.
Proposals related to this theme should aim to improve the development, validation, or execution of assessment strategies and procedures that enable personalized treatment approaches or prognostic evaluations of these disorders. Applications should utilize the CaPRI Patient Registry and Biorepository. Both pre-clinical and clinical studies, or a mix of both, are eligible for submission.
2. Non-pharmacological strategies for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.
Proposals aligned with this thematic area should advance the applicability, evaluation of efficacy, or implementation of non-pharmacological therapies, such as (but not limited to) non-invasive and/or invasive neuro-modulatory therapeutic strategies, microbiome manipulation or designer microbial therapies. Pre-clinical studies, clinical studies, or a combination of the two are eligible.
3. Pathophysiological mechanisms for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.
Proposals aligned with this thematic area should aim to advance knowledge of key mechanisms of pathophysiology in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders or directly test novel treatment approaches that target specific pathophysiologic mechanisms. Pre-clinical studies, clinical studies, or a combination of the two are eligible.
The inclusion of trainees wherever possible is encouraged (PDF’s, graduate student, undergraduate students, residents, and clinical fellows).
Eligibility Criteria:
The PI must be a full member of the HBI and the Movement Disorders BMH Team. An individual can only be a PI on one application but may be a co-applicant on others.
HBI adheres to the five principles of Open Science. These principles guide all research conducted using HBI resources. If funded, successful applicants agree to abide by Principles 1 to 4.
Eligible Expenses:
Applicants may request funds for salary support (including trainee stipends), platform fees, minor equipment, material and supplies, and subject fees (including participant reimbursement). Funds may not be used for travel to meetings or conferences.
Value of Award:
Applicants may propose a total budget of up to $75,000. This award will provide a one-time payment to be spent by 31 December 2026. One-year no-cost extensions is permissible. However, applicants can only hold one award at a time, including any granted extension. Awards will be conditional upon obtaining the necessary ethics approvals, as applicable.
Awardees are expected to produce an annual progress report/ end of year one, and at the end of the grant/ end of year two.
Application Process: This competition is open until November 30th
Application packages must include the following:
- Application cover letter with signatures (found at bottom of page)
- Project Proposal (3 pages maximum), including following sections:
- Background and Rationale
- Aims and Hypotheses
- Research Plan and Methodology
- Timeline
- Budget and Budget Justification (1 pages maximum)
- References (2 pages maximum)
- NIH or Parkinson Canada bio-sketches (5 pages maximum, per applicant)
Evaluation process: The submitted proposal will be ranked based on the criteria below:
- Novelty (30%): Is the project a novel or emerging approach in the field of Parkinson’s Disease and other movement Disorders?
- Furthering CaPRI Research Goals (40%): Is the project aligned with the major goals of CaPRI, and will it drive local innovation in the field of Parkinson’s Disease and other movement Disorders?
- Quality of the Applicant or Team (20%): Are the credentials of the applicant and other team members and their roles defined and appropriate for the proposed work?
- Feasibility (10%): Is the objective feasible, and can the project be completed within the proposed time and budget with the current infrastructure?
Important Dates
Nov. 6, 2024
Call for proposals
Nov. 30, 2024
Deadline for applications
Jan. 1, 2025
Announcement of successful applications
Jan. 1, 2025
Funds available
Dec. 31, 2025
Date all awarded funds must be spent by
March 31, 2026
Final scientific and financial report