Hotchkiss Brain Institute International Collaboration Grant
The purpose of the Collaboration Grant is to provide limited short-term support, no more than 2 years, to initiate or continue new and/or established international research collaborations between HBI members and international colleagues. Pilot data is not required to apply; however, the conceptual or theoretical basis of the ideas must be appropriately articulated. The contributions of the International collaborator must be clearly defined.
- Primary applicant must be a full member of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.
- Primary applicant must hold a full-time academic appointment at the University of Calgary.
- Any International (outside Canada) academic or research investigator who is eligible under the policies of their host institution to be considered a PI may be listed as a Co-Investigator.
Terms and Value of the award:The total budget request may not exceed CAD $50,000. The grants will support a term of up to 2 years with renewals determined on a case-by-case basis. Two grants will be awarded in the 2025 competition.
Expenses: The funds may be used for salary support, graduate student stipends, minor equipment, materials and supplies, publications, research services, project-related travel, and subject costs including patient reimbursements. No more than 30% of the budget can be used for travel related expenses such as airfare, hotel, and other linked expenses. For ongoing collaborations, it should be clearly explained why the funds are necessary.
Evaluation: Applications will be reviewed by current full HBI members. Reviewers will rank applications based on:
- Potential impact of research
- How the collaboration aligns with the goals of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute International Strategy
- The ability of the team to complete the work
- Feasibility of the research
- Sustainability of the partnership
The committee will be chaired by the HBI International Chair along with a minimum of two other members of the HBI, ideally those who have some background in international collaboration, and who do not have any conflict of interests with the applications. Each application will be scored equally on the above category and ranked accordingly.
Final Research Paper: At the conclusion of the funding period, successful applicants will be required to submit a short lay summary report and a one-page written report, which describes how the funds were used, including the successes and the failures of the project(s), and details of successful external grants or external grants in preparation or applied to support continuation of the project(s).
Deadline: February 28, 2025 (5 pm MST). Applications that arrive after the deadline will not be reviewed.
Application Procedure: Principal investigators should complete and submit their applications by email to Applicants must complete the application form and provide supporting documents in PDF format. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed. Only one application per member can be submitted per competition.