HBI Alumni of the Year Award

Award Details

1. Description

The Hotchkiss Brain Institute is founded on the base of a very strong neuroscience tradition established by the previous Neuroscience, Behavioural Neuroscience, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience and Genes & Development Research Groups. Under the auspices initially of the Neuroscience Research Group, one of the very first training programs in neuroscience was established in 1971 as a separate stream under the umbrella Medical Science Program. Students enrolled in this program (and its subsequent evolution into the independent Dept of Neuroscience), as well as numerous postdoctoral and research fellows training in neuroscience laboratories at the University of Calgary took us in an astonishingly short time period to rank among Canada's most recognized neuroscience groups. In recognition of the critical role played by our trainees in our research and academic success, the Hotchkiss Brain Institute will recognize an outstanding former trainee as the Hotchkiss Brain Institute Neuroscience Alumni of the Year.

2. Eligibility

The individual must have been a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow or research fellow who trained in a neuroscience laboratory at the University of Calgary within the Hotchkiss Brain Institute or affiliated with the previous Neuroscience, Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology, Behavioral Neuroscience or Genes & Development Research Groups. The nominee must have achieved scientific, professional or academic excellence and be willing to deliver an Alumni of the Year Lecture to the Hotchkiss Brain Institute.

3. Terms of the Award

The awardee will receive a gift in recognition of the award and will be invited and hosted to deliver an invited lecture to the Hotchkiss Brain Institute

4. Nomination procedure

Submissions must include: 

  1. name, current position and contact information of the nominee 
  2. years at U of C and name of supervisor 
  3. two page CV 
  4. short evaluation of the nominee's reputation, achievements and contributions that will help qualify them as Alumnus of the Year 
  5. names of two current HBI members supporting the nomination

5. Deadline for nomination

Nomination Deadline: June 30th, 2025

Email nominations to: hbi.education@ucalgary.ca