HBI Conference Travel Award
This award reflects the commitment of HBI Education to internationalizing the training environment.
Field of Study: Neuroscience and Mental Health
- Applicants must be presenting their HBI-based research at an international (location outside Canada) conference or scientific meeting in the area of neuroscience and mental health
- Open to University of Calgary postdoctoral fellows or students in good standing in a full-time graduate program (PhD/MSc).
- Trainees’ supervisors must be full members of the HBI.
- Trainees must not have previously received this award during their current training program.
- The award will be disbursed after proof of travel (original conference badge or boarding pass) is provided.
Value: $500. This program is subject to availability of funds
Number: 20 graduate and 10 postdoctoral
Use of Funds: Funds are provided to defray the cost of travel to conferences.
Apply: Applicants must forward their CV, conference abstract, and a 150-300 word statement on the benefit of the conference attendance to their training to hbi.education@ucalgary.ca.
Deadline: As funding allows. Current funding applicable to conference travel April 2025 and onwards.