Accelerating Research in Concussion (ARC) Award

Competition closed for 2024/2025. This award, created by a generous family foundation, is intended to support novel and innovative research in the area of concussion from mid to early-career investigators. 

Value of Award: $100,000/award (up to two awards per year)

Duration of Award: Award must be used within two years.

Eligibility: The award is open to early to mid-level career investigators only, defined as those who are within 10 years of the date of their first independent research-related appointment, and who are doing research in concussion and brain trauma.

Use of Funds: The use of the funds is to support research projects in concussion and brain trauma. Use of funds is limited to salary support of research personnel and students/fellows, minor equipment (up to $5,000 without prior approval), research materials & supplies, and research participant costs (including reasonable participant reimbursement). The funds are not allowed to cover travel or conference expenses or to supplement an already existing project.

Selection Process: Research applications will be judged on:

  • The project fit within the area of concussion and brain trauma
  • Collaborative and multidisciplinary approach
  • Focus on brain mechanisms
  • Innovation and novelty of the project
  • Quality of the candidate including academic track record and commitment to concussion research.

Application Process: A complete application will include:

  • An application form that will include attached:
    • A statement describing personal interest, commitment, and passion for concussion research (1-page max)
    • Research project plan (3 pages max)
  • Biosketch (CIHR bio sketch format preferred) for PI and co-investigators
  • Budget with justification (1-page max)
  • Figures and/or tables attachment (1-page max)
  • References