Community Outreach & Knowledge Resources
At the Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education, we are committed to bring educational resources to our community. We are building a resource base to share information. Have you got ideas of what you would like to see here? Please send an email to mathison.centre@ucalgary.ca with your suggestions!

Reading Materials
Cannabis Resources:
- Basics on Cannabis: A Compilation of Research Based Evidence and Guidelines
- Cannabis: Did You Know?
- Cannabis Cafe Facilitators Guide - English
- Cannabis Cafe Facilitators Guide - French
Resources for Schools: Identifying What is Stress? targeted teaching for Elementary, Junior High and Senior High level
Video Resources
- Mathison Centre Promotional Video: Who we are and what we do
- Discussion on Resilience - an event with the Calgary Public Library: July 22, 2020 "Supporting resiliency in times of uncertainty: a mental health perspective"
- Webinar: "The impact of COVID-19 on post-secondary education students, staff and faculty"
- This recorded presentation is a collaboration between the Mathison Centre and the Community Education Service (CES) of the Alberta Health Services (AHS): "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in Children & Adolescents"
- Panel Discussion from The Mathison Series in Youth Mental Health 2017: "Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE's)"
- For similar videos on topics related to Child and Youth Mental Health and Well-being, please visit the Community Education Services webpages.
- Calgary Public Library and Mathison Centre: Presentation "Anxiety in a Time of Crisis"
- Calgary Public Library and Mathison Centre: Presentation "Beyond medications: Using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in treating mental illnesses"