Applicatons and Criteria
The Mathison Centre brings together researchers and affiliates interested in mental health research. Membership from diverse fields and interests ensures that our research is inter and multi-disciplinary while enabling the translation of our findings. There are three categories of membership - full, associate and affiliate membership.
We are currently inviting applications from those actively involved in mental health research and education. Full and associate Mathison Centre membership requires approval as an HBI member. Members of the community can be nominated for affiliate membership by a full member of the Mathison Centre. For details of the criteria and application forms for membership kindly review our membership guidelines.
Work Space
The Mathison Centre offices are located on the 1st and 4th Floors of the TRW building at the Foothills Campus. The Centre has limited research space and offices for members, staff and trainees. For any inquiries about space, review our space policy for details.