The HBI molecular core is pleased to offer to mouse genomics support on a fee for service basis.

Pricing is as follows
DNA extraction and PCR (per sample) |
$9.00 |
Additional PCR (per sample) |
$4.50 |
qPCR copy number analysis (per sample - user must supply primers) |
$20.00 |
The core facility is equipped with state of the art DNA extraction methods, rapid and specific PCR amplifications and a Qiaxcel capillary electrophoresis system for rapid turnaround and high throughput sample handling. Data are provided complete with analysis and placed into a centralized data file for your lab. Consultation for planning of breeding regimens is also available.
Custom targeting vectors
The core facility offers fee for service custom mouse targeting vector construction for the generation of transgenic, knock-in or knock-out mice. If you are a new faculty member, you may qualify for discounts or subsidies towards the generation of a novel mouse line.
For further information please contact Frank Visser: