The CSM Open Science Fibre Photometry Workshop is a wrap! Big thanks to all participants for four days of lectures, demos, and hands-on experience. Special shoutouts to Dr. Christophe Proulx, our top-notch Fibre Photometry guest speaker, and workshop lecturers and organizers Drs. Alex Lohman, Tamas Fuzesi, Taylor Chomiak, Jianjun Sun, Leo Molina, and guest lecturers Drs Frank Visser, Kate Martian and Andréanne Lavoie. We'd like to send out a very special thanks to the Hotchkiss Brain Institute, University of Calgary Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Tanenbaum Open Science Institute, Campus Alberta Neuroscience, and DoricLenses that made possible bringing students from across Canada. Also, many thanks to Dr. Andrew Boyce and ucalgary's AHU/ARC for their help in creating a true hands-on research experience!