
How to Apply

As an Interdisciplinary Graduate Specialization, students are required to apply to a participating graduate program. Students should first find a supervisor who is a member of one of these departments - for a list of faculty supervisors interested in supervising specialization students see Faculty Supervisors and email the Specialization Director, Dr Signe Bray ( with any questions. Note that supervisors do not need to be on this list in order to supervise students in the Specialization.

Students can apply directly to the Specialization at the time of application to the home graduate program.

For students who would like to enter the Specialization after admission, please email Dr Bray, including the following information:

  • Student name, degree (MSc or PhD), graduate program and supervisor
  • Title and brief description of thesis project
  • Acknowledgment that they have read and understand the program requirements.

The program is open to Canadian and International students.